How to drink the best coffee in the world

“ Every yawn is a silent scream for coffee ”

What’s the best coffee in the world?
The best coffee in the world is the one YOU like.

End of blog.
J.K. What does it mean ?!

Hi. I’m Serg, one of the owners of Bikeeny caffe. Thank you for reading my blog.

I worked behind a bar for a number of years. It was before they had high end whiskey spots and tons of micro-breweries. The average consumer did not care what they had in their glass.

Every once in a while we’d get someone order “the most expensive whiskey you got”…”on the rocks, with coke”.
Really?! I thought to myself. You’re going to add sugar water to this beautiful $28 a glass of aged whiskey. All right, man, you do you. I would serve it without a word, but I was frowning. He was trying to impress someone, most likely a Tinder date.

One day, my co-worker, Ricardo and I, got talking about that. He was more experienced behind the bar.
I would say:
– Isn’t it a waste for someone to order expensive booze and mix it with coke? It ruins the flavor, you can’t tell the difference. I might as well pour them our cheapest option instead.
– It’s not. Ricardo would say. Who are you to tell that guy what to like? He works hard to earn his money. And he decided to spend it here and help pay your rent. To him, that drink is his reward for a long week at work. It’s the best, FOR HIM. Is it a waste?! Maybe, but that’s YOUR unsolicited opinion. Now, get back to work. Oh, Ricky…
He had a valid point.

It stuck with me and I finally got it.

“Do not judge and you will not be judged.” Luke 6:37

Here’s another case study on the matter: 
What’s your favorite food? i ask u
You’re wrong.

Who’s the pretentious one in this exercise??? ME.
We all have different tastes and that’s what makes us unique. It’d be pretty boring if we all liked the same things. Looked the same and talked the same. Big companies would have a much easier time marketing to us, for sure.

In the years behind the bar, I’ve learned to avoid conversations about: politics, religion and money. Everyone has an opinion about it. And their opinion is very strong. And that opinion is the most correct one (“the correctest”)

Why am I telling you all this?! You clicked on this because u want to know how do drink the best coffee in the world.

It’s simple. You find a coffee that you REALLY like and you drink that every day. The machinery it’s made with, delivery method, temperature or sweetness level is irrelevant. It’s the best, to YOU.

For me, these days, it’s pour over (or french press) House Blend medium roast, black. In the summer I go for the same over ice, or Cold Brew.

I’m drinking one right now. It’s rich without being bitter. Good coffee should leave a pleasant aftertaste. I’m tasting chocolate notes with a hint of caramel. I’m taking my taking with every sip. I love the smell and taste during and after it’s gone.

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
The best coffee in the world is the one YOU like.

“Stay thirsty, my friends.”
The most interesting man in the world

Stay thirsty my friends
The Most Interesting Man in the world was just chilling at Costco in Everett, signing bottles. (on the right). If you don’t know who that is, just Google “Dos Equis guy”

Hey there. If you got this far, you’re awesome. Thank you for reading all the way to the end.
This is my first blog post EVER. I realized I was more nervous to release it than I’d like to admit. Must have edited 100 times. It’s out now, so no going back. I will inevitably get better. Please stick around. If there’s any topics you are curious about, feel free to comment below.

I’m giving myself until November 8 for the next one, so please keep me accountable.

It will be called:
Ask me why our coffee price is going up by 10c

If you haven’t already, you might want to sign up to get notified about it. On top of the blog, I’m working with MATV on a talk-show and podcast called Coffee with Serg. Stay tuned for that.

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